$50.00 CAD or more

Sarah Richardson Coaching
Box 7
Heriot Bay, BC, V0P1H0
[email protected]

Disclaimer for Coaching Product

By purchasing and using [Self Leadership Mastery] ("Product") offered by [Sarah Richardson Coaching] ("Coach"), you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Nature of Coaching: The coaching provided through this Product is intended to help you achieve personal and/or professional goals by offering guidance, support, and tools. The Coach does not provide therapy, counseling, or medical advice. If you require mental health or medical assistance, please seek help from a qualified professional.

Coach-Client Relationship: The Coach-Client relationship is a collaborative partnership focused on your goals. You are responsible for your own decisions and actions. The Coach is not liable for any consequences resulting from your choices or actions.

Confidentiality: All information shared during coaching sessions will be kept strictly confidential, except where required by law. The Coach will not disclose any information without your explicit consent.

Payment and Refunds: Payment for the Product must be made as specified in the purchase agreement. The Client acknowledges and agrees that all sales are final, and no refunds will be provided for coaching services or products purchased. The Client is responsible for evaluating the suitability of the coaching services and making an informed purchase decision.

Results: While the Coach will make reasonable efforts to help you achieve your goals, no specific outcomes or results are guaranteed. Success depends on your commitment and effort.

Intellectual Property: All materials, resources, and content provided as part of the Product are the intellectual property of the Coach and may not be reproduced or shared without prior written consent.

Termination: The Coach reserves the right to terminate the coaching relationship or access to the Product if, in the Coach's judgment, it is deemed necessary.

Jurisdiction: This disclaimer is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [British Columbia, Canada], and any disputes arising from it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [British Columbia, Canada].

By purchasing and using this Product, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please do not use the Product.

Please consult with a legal professional to adapt this template to your specific coaching business and ensure it complies with the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. Additionally, you may want to include any industry-specific regulations or standards that apply to your coaching practice.

Know Your Nervous System

This product is by donation. The value of this service is $150USD. 

Why because if you are unsure if coaching is for you, I want you to TRY IT and find out. I do request that if you enjoy this service at reduced/pro bono rates, that you leave a testimonial of your experience.

I also run a referral based business, and any referral to me by you is greatly appreciated. Word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing, but I need you to do it. Ask me about my referral program.

You Get:

  • 1 hour with Sarah Richardson
  • Tools for your Nervous System


Get a clear understanding of what it feels like when you shift out of feel calm, cool and collected (the window of tolerance). Learn to identify the biological makers that are unique to your own nervous system response to a stressful situation. Under my guidance, I will hold space for you to find your edge of tolerance and provide you with somatic tools to reregulate back to a place of being calm, cool and collected.

The process typically takes about 1/2 hour, but I schedule an hour so that we have a few minutes on either end for introductions and conclusions.